Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Get user general info
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "string",
- "accountCategory": 0,
- "accountTitle": "string",
- "emailAddress1": "string",
- "emailAddress2": "string",
- "group": "string",
- "isClearingAccount": true,
- "phone1": "string",
- "phone2": "string",
- "subGroup": "string",
- "accounts": [
- "5123345"
This message retrieves the security definitions for the given exchange symbols. If the exchange symbol is not entitled for live data, the response will be empty. If the exchange symbol is entitled for live data, the response will contain a list of security definitions. The list of security definitions is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "securityDefinitions": [
- {
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "exchangeSource": "CME",
- "activationTime": 1470105600000,
- "expirationTime": 1470105600000,
- "marketComplex": "string",
- "marketGroup": "6E",
- "marketSymbol": "M6E",
- "cfiCode": "FXXXXX",
- "allowOpenOrders": true,
- "maturityMonth": 9,
- "maturityYear": 2016,
- "productDescription": "Euro FX",
- "userDefinded": false,
- "intradayDefinded": false,
- "optionType": "INVALID",
- "optionExpirationType": "INVALID",
- "strikePrice": 2000,
- "underlyingSymbol": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "variableTickTableCode": 0,
- "exchangeStrategyType": "NONE",
- "securityType": "INVALID",
- "securityId": 2000,
- "legs": [
- {
- "symbol": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "ratio": 1,
- "side": "BID",
- "securityId": 2000,
- "exchange": "CME",
- "legExchangeSymbol": "XCME:6E.U16"
], - "depthLevels": 10,
- "mainFraction": 2000,
- "subFraction": 2000,
- "scale": 4,
- "minPriceIncrement": 2000,
- "minPriceIncrementValue": 2000,
- "regCode": "INVALID",
- "currencyCode": "USD",
- "displayFactor": 2000,
- "allowTrading": true,
- "scalingFactorScreen": 2000,
- "exchangeSymbol": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "creationDate": 1470105600000
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
This message retrieves the security margin for the given exchange symbol. If the exchange symbol is not entitled for live data, the response will be empty. If the exchange symbol is entitled for live data, the response will contain a list of security margin. The list of security margin is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "securityMarginAndValues": [
- {
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "currentPrice": 2000,
- "currentTime": 1470105600000,
- "currentValue": 1000,
- "initialMarginLong": 1000,
- "initialMaginShort": 1000,
- "maintMarginLong": 1000,
- "maintMarginShort": 1000,
- "spanSettlePrice": 1000,
- "spanSettleValue": 1000,
- "marginScheduleDetails": [
- {
- "startTime": 1470105600000,
- "endTime": 1470105600000,
- "margin": 1000
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
This message retrieves the security status for the given exchange symbol. If the exchange symbol is not entitled for live data, the response will be empty. If the exchange symbol is entitled for live data, the response will contain a list of security status. The list of security status is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "securityStatuses": [
- {
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "status": "OPEN",
- "statusValue": 17,
- "dateTime": 1470105600000,
- "tradeDate": 1470105600000
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the symbols with which start with the given text. If the text is empty, the response will contain 100 first symbols in alphabetic order. The response will be limited to 100 symbols. If the user wants to retrieve more symbols, the user should use the text parameter to filter the symbols.
text | string [ 3 .. 20 ] characters Example: text=ES. The text to filter the symbols |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Example: limit=100 The number of symbols to retrieve, the default is "1000". This parameter is optional. |
preferActive | boolean Example: preferActive=true If true, the response will contain only active symbols, default is "true" . This parameter is optional. |
{- "symbols": [
- {
- "symbol": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "currency": "USD",
- "description": "string",
- "hasQuotes": true,
- "pipValue": 0.1,
- "pipSize": 0.1,
- "minTick": 0.1,
- "qtyStep": 0.1,
- "symbolType": "string"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
This message retrieves the exchange sources for the given exchange. If the exchange is not entitled for live data, the response will be empty. If the exchange is entitled for live data, the response will contain a list of exchange sources. The list of exchange sources is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
{- "exchanges": [
- "XCME",
- "CBOT"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the list of market complexes.
exchange required | string <= 10 characters Example: XCME Exchange |
{- "marketComplexes": [
- {
- "groups": [
- {
- "group": "BIT",
- "name": "NANO BITCOIN SPRD J4-K4"
], - "name": "NANO BITCOIN SPRD J4-K4"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the list of futures symbols.
exchange required | string <= 10 characters Example: XCME Exchange |
marketGroup required | string <= 10 characters Example: ES Market Group |
{- "symbols": [
- {
- "symbol": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "maturityMonth": "MAR",
- "maturityYear": 2029,
- "description": "E-mini S&P 500"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the symbol groups by complex. The response will contain a list of symbol groups. The list of symbol groups is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
complex required | string <= 50 characters Example: Currency Complex must be a valid market complex |
{- "symbolGroups": [
- {
- "group": "BIT",
- "name": "NANO BITCOIN SPRD J4-K4"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the list of option symbol groups.
symbol required | string (Symbol) <= 21 characters ^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$ Example: XCME:6E.U16 Symbol |
{- "groups": [
- "E1A",
- "E1B",
- "E1C",
- "E1D",
- "E2A",
- "E2B",
- "E2C",
- "E2D",
- "E3A",
- "E3B",
- "E3C",
- "E3D",
- "E4A",
- "E4B",
- "E4C",
- "E4D",
- "E5A",
- "ES",
- "EW",
- "EW1",
- "EW2",
- "EW3",
- "EW4"
], - "optionGroups": [
- {
- "group": "E1A",
- "expiration": 1712001600000,
- "description": "E-MINI SP MON WKLY"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the list of option symbol groups.
symbol required | string (Symbol) <= 21 characters ^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$ Example: XCME:6E.U16 Symbol |
group required | string <= 5 characters Example: ES Group |
optionType required | string Enum: "call" "put" Example: call Option Type |
near required | boolean Example: true Near money |
{- "symbolOptions": [
- {
- "symbol": "ES.M24.P5200",
- "maturityMonth": "MAR",
- "maturityYear": 2024,
- "expiration": 1712001600000,
- "strike": 5200,
- "minStrike": 5000,
- "maxStrike": 6000,
- "description": "E-MINI S&P 500 OPTIONS"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the list of spreads.
exchange required | string <= 10 characters Example: XCME Exchange |
symbolOrGroup required | string (Symbol) <= 21 characters ^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$ Example: XCME:6E.U16 Symbol or Group |
{- "symbols": [
- "XCME:6E.U16"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Retrieves the list of spreads.
Array of objects (Exchange Symbol Legs) <= 100 items | |||||||
Array (<= 100 items)
{- "exchangeSymbolLegs": [
- {
- "symbol": "XCME:MES.U23",
- "side": "BUY",
- "qty": 100000
}, - {
- "symbol": "XCME:M6E.U23",
- "side": "SELL",
- "qty": 100000
{- "symbols": [
- "XCME:6E.U16"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Get the strategy ID from server. The strategy ID is used to identify the strategy in the system.
{- "Id": 0,
- "Minimum": 0,
- "Maximum": 0,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Get account balance
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
balanceType required | string (BalanceType) Enum: "CURRENT_OPEN" "START_OF_DAY" Example: balanceType=CURRENT_OPEN Account balance type |
{- "balances": [
- {
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "currencyCode": "USD",
- "cashBalance": 1000,
- "cashBalanceAvailable": 1000,
- "openTradeEquity": 1000,
- "totalEquity": 1000,
- "cashAddedToday": 1000,
- "netLiquidity": 1000,
- "netLiquidityAvailable": 1000,
- "daysOnCall": 365,
- "balanceType": "CURRENT_OPEN",
- "marginInfo": {
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "currencyCode": "USD",
- "marginO": {
- "marginError": "string",
- "errorSymbols": "string",
- "initialRiskMargin": 1000,
- "maintenanceRiskMargin": 1000,
- "initialTotalMargin": 1000,
- "maintenanceTotalMargin": 1000,
- "isEstimated": true,
- "asOfTime": 0
}, - "marginOW": {
- "marginError": "string",
- "errorSymbols": "string",
- "initialRiskMargin": 1000,
- "maintenanceRiskMargin": 1000,
- "initialTotalMargin": 1000,
- "maintenanceTotalMargin": 1000,
- "isEstimated": true,
- "asOfTime": 0
}, - "marginOWI": {
- "marginError": "string",
- "errorSymbols": "string",
- "initialRiskMargin": 1000,
- "maintenanceRiskMargin": 1000,
- "initialTotalMargin": 1000,
- "maintenanceTotalMargin": 1000,
- "isEstimated": true,
- "asOfTime": 0
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
This message retrieves the positions for the given account. The response will contain a list of positions. The list of positions is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "string",
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "positions": [
- {
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "currencyCode": "USD",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "positionId": "10198961658263821681-101",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "price": 2000,
- "dateOpened": 20160801,
- "side": "LONG",
- "unrealizedPL": 1000
Currently the only risk information returned for the user is liquidation value. This value represents the net liquidation price at which the user's account will be auto-liquidated. This value will be set to null, if this feature is not enabled. Risks contains a list of liquidation value, one for each regCode/CurrencyCode combination for the account (i.e. subaccountId). Typically an account will only have one of these combinations.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
{- "risks": [
- {
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "regCode": "INVALID",
- "currencyCode": "USD",
- "liquidationValue": 2000
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
This message retrieves the fills for the given account. The response will contain a list of fills. The list of fills is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
sendPrior | boolean Example: sendPrior=true If true, the server will send all fills. If false, the server will send only new fills from now. |
{- "fills": [
- {
- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "status": "ANY",
- "side": "BUY",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "price": 1000,
- "fillQuantity": 1000,
- "fillTotalQuantity": 1000,
- "fillPrice": 1000,
- "avgFillPrice": 1000,
- "fillDate": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "timeOrderEvent": 123123123123,
- "orderUpdateId": "10336761658263818775-134"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Get current quotes for the instrument. On first call, the response can be empty if the instrument is not subscribed to. The response will be updated every time the quote changes.
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "Quotes": [
- {
- "s": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "l": 1000,
- "sz": 1000,
- "ch": 2000,
- "op": 2000,
- "hi": 2000,
- "lo": 2000,
- "ags": 0,
- "td": 255,
- "stt": 2000,
- "stts": 20160801,
- "sttst": 232342342344,
- "pstt": 2000,
- "pstts": 20160801,
- "sttch": 2000,
- "hb": 2000,
- "la": 2000,
- "b": 2000,
- "bt": 232342342344,
- "bs": 3,
- "ibc": 3,
- "ibs": 3,
- "a": 2000,
- "at": 232342342344,
- "as": 3,
- "ias": 3,
- "iac": 3,
- "tt": 232342342344,
- "tdt": 20160801,
- "secs": "OPEN",
- "sdt": 20160801,
- "oi": 1000,
- "tv": 1000,
- "bv": 1000,
- "swv": 1000,
- "pv": 1000
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Get current depth of market for the instrument.
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "Depths": [
- {
- "s": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "b": [
- {
- "l": 1,
- "t": 1234567890,
- "s": "B",
- "p": 2000,
- "o": 1000,
- "sz": 1000,
- "ioc": 1000,
- "is": 1000
], - "a": [
- {
- "l": 1,
- "t": 1234567890,
- "s": "B",
- "p": 2000,
- "o": 1000,
- "sz": 1000,
- "ioc": 1000,
- "is": 1000
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Get trades for the instrument.
symbol required | string (Symbol) <= 21 characters ^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$ Example: XCME:6E.U16 Symbol |
from required | integer <long> Example: 1612137600000 From date in milliseconds |
to required | integer <long> Example: 1612137600000 To date in milliseconds |
max required | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Example: 10 Maximum number of records to return |
earlier required | boolean Example: true Earlier |
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "string",
- "traders": [
- {
- "symbol": "XCME:ES.U16",
- "price": 1.13535,
- "change": 0.0001,
- "size": 1,
- "sequenceNumber": 12132123,
- "sendTime": 1234567890,
- "tickDirection": "INVALID",
- "aggressorSide": 0,
- "tradeDate": "20200101",
- "tradeId": 2131220200101,
- "totalVolume": 1
This message submits new order to the exchange. The response will contain the
order id of the submitted order.
Response will contain the strategy id. Order Id can be received from endpoint /order/{accountId}/toorderid/{strategyId}
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
accountId | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: "5123345" Account ID - account ID class |
exchSym required | string (Symbol) <= 21 characters ^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$ Example: "XCME:6E.U16" Symbol - symbol class |
side required | string (OrderSide) Enum: "BUY" "SELL" "INVALID" Example: "BUY" Order Side - side enum |
quantity required | number <double> (Quantity) Example: "1" Quantity - quantity class |
limitPrice | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
stopPrice | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
stopLoss | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
takeProfit | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
trailingStop | number <float> (Trailing Stop) Example: "25" Trailing stop - currently not supported - but will be in the future. Distance from the stop loss level to the current market price in pips. |
orderType required | string (OrderType) Enum: "" "1" "2" "3" "4" Example: "LIMIT" enumNames: ["INVALID","MARKET","LIMIT","STOP","STOP_LIMIT"] Order type - order type enum |
duration required | string (DurationType) Enum: "" "0" "1" Example: "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL" enumNames: ["INVALID","DAY","GOOD_TILL_CANCEL"] Order duration - order duration enum |
waitForOrderId | boolean (Wait for Order ID) Default: true Example: "true" If true (default), the response will wait max. 10 sec. for orderId from exchange.
If false, the response will not contain the order id of the submitted order.
Order will be submitted to the exchange but the response will not contain the order id of the submitted order - it will be assigned by the exchange,
and can be retrieved later using the |
{- "accountId": "5123345",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "side": "BUY",
- "quantity": 1,
- "limitPrice": 2000,
- "stopPrice": 2000,
- "stopLoss": 2000,
- "takeProfit": 2000,
- "trailingStop": 25,
- "orderType": "LIMIT",
- "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
- "waitForOrderId": true
{- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "OK"
Get order ID from strategy ID
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
strategyId required | integer <long> (StrategyId) Example: 1234567890 Strategy ID |
{- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "OK"
Get strategy ID from order ID
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
orderId required | string (OrderId) <= 50 characters ^.*$ Example: 5123345-1234567890 Order ID |
{- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "OK"
This message updates the order for the given account. The response will contain the order id of the updated order.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
orderId required | string (OrderId) <= 50 characters ^.*$ Example: 5123345-1234567890 Order ID |
orderId required | string (Order ID) Example: "1234567890" The server ID for the order, and is returned in all responses. Required for cancel and replace orders, |
quantity required | integer <int32> (Quantity) Example: "1000" The quantity of the instrument to be traded. For bracket orders, the quantity can't be changed. If you want to change the quantity of a bracket order, you must cancel the bracket order and create a new one. For all other orders, the quantity can be changed. |
limitPrice | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
stopPrice | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
stopLoss | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
takeProfit | number <double> (Price) Example: "2000" Price - price class |
trailingStop | number <float> (Trailing Stop) Example: "25" Trailing stop - currently not supported - but will be in the future. Distance from the stop loss level to the current market price in pips. |
{- "orderId": "1234567890",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "limitPrice": 2000,
- "stopPrice": 2000,
- "stopLoss": 2000,
- "takeProfit": 2000,
- "trailingStop": 25
{- "orders": [
- {
- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "parentOrderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "status": "ANY",
- "side": "BUY",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "limitPrice": 1000,
- "stopPrice": 1000,
- "orderType": "LIMIT",
- "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
- "fillQuantity": 1000,
- "fillPrice": 1000,
- "fillDate": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "childOrders": [
- "5123345-1234567890"
], - "orderError": {
- "errorCode": 1234567890,
- "errorText": "Error text"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Get orders for the account. The order status can be used to filter the orders.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
{- "orders": [
- {
- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "parentOrderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "status": "ANY",
- "side": "BUY",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "limitPrice": 1000,
- "stopPrice": 1000,
- "orderType": "LIMIT",
- "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
- "fillQuantity": 1000,
- "fillPrice": 1000,
- "fillDate": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "childOrders": [
- "5123345-1234567890"
], - "orderError": {
- "errorCode": 1234567890,
- "errorText": "Error text"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
This message cancels the order with the given order id. The response will contain the order id of the cancelled order.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
orderId required | string (OrderId) <= 50 characters ^.*$ Example: 5123345-1234567890 Order ID |
{- "orders": [
- {
- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "parentOrderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "status": "ANY",
- "side": "BUY",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "limitPrice": 1000,
- "stopPrice": 1000,
- "orderType": "LIMIT",
- "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
- "fillQuantity": 1000,
- "fillPrice": 1000,
- "fillDate": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "childOrders": [
- "5123345-1234567890"
], - "orderError": {
- "errorCode": 1234567890,
- "errorText": "Error text"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
An api for cancelling multiple orders. New orders and replaces must be submitted via SUBMIT_ORDER. The response will contain a list of order ids of the cancelled orders.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
accountId | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: "5123345" Account ID - account ID class |
orderIds | Array of strings (Order IDs) <= 1000 items [^.*$] Example: "1234567890,1234567891" |
[- {
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "orderIds": [
- "1234567890",
- "1234567891"
{- "orders": [
- {
- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "parentOrderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "status": "ANY",
- "side": "BUY",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "limitPrice": 1000,
- "stopPrice": 1000,
- "orderType": "LIMIT",
- "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
- "fillQuantity": 1000,
- "fillPrice": 1000,
- "fillDate": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "childOrders": [
- "5123345-1234567890"
], - "orderError": {
- "errorCode": 1234567890,
- "errorText": "Error text"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Get orders fills for the account.
accountId required | string (AccountId) <= 10 characters ^[0-9]{5,10}$ Example: 5123345 Account ID |
{- "fills": [
- {
- "orderId": "5123345-1234567890",
- "strategyId": 1234567890,
- "accountId": "5123345",
- "exchSym": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "status": "ANY",
- "side": "BUY",
- "quantity": 1000,
- "price": 1000,
- "fillQuantity": 1000,
- "fillTotalQuantity": 1000,
- "fillPrice": 1000,
- "avgFillPrice": 1000,
- "fillDate": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "timeOrderEvent": 123123123123,
- "orderUpdateId": "10336761658263818775-134"
], - "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Reset the demo account. The response will contain the account id of the reset account.
Endpoint used only for demo accounts, for real accounts, the response will be 403 Forbidden.
accountId | string (Account ID) <= 20 characters ^[0-9]{1,20}$ Example: "5123345" |
{- "accountId": 5123345
{- "accountId": "5123345",
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Create a streamId for the client to use in /stream/{streamId} endpoint. The streamId will be used to subscribe to quotes/depth/trades. Using the same stream, client will receive data for:
{- "streamId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
streamId required | string <uuid> (StreamSessionId) Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Stream ID |
token | string <= 1024 characters Authorization token - The token is used to authenticate the user and will be used in the Authorization header/query for all other requests. |
{- "p": {
- "ping": "ping"
}, - "q": [
- {
- "s": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "l": 1000,
- "sz": 1000,
- "ch": 2000,
- "op": 2000,
- "hi": 2000,
- "lo": 2000,
- "ags": 0,
- "td": 255,
- "stt": 2000,
- "stts": 20160801,
- "sttst": 232342342344,
- "pstt": 2000,
- "pstts": 20160801,
- "sttch": 2000,
- "hb": 2000,
- "la": 2000,
- "b": 2000,
- "bt": 232342342344,
- "bs": 3,
- "ibc": 3,
- "ibs": 3,
- "a": 2000,
- "at": 232342342344,
- "as": 3,
- "ias": 3,
- "iac": 3,
- "tt": 232342342344,
- "tdt": 20160801,
- "secs": "OPEN",
- "sdt": 20160801,
- "oi": 1000,
- "tv": 1000,
- "bv": 1000,
- "swv": 1000,
- "pv": 1000
], - "tb": [
- {
- "t": 1234567890,
- "o": 2000,
- "h": 2000,
- "l": 2000,
- "c": 2000,
- "v": 2000
], - "ps": [
- {
- "a": "5123345",
- "cc": "USD",
- "s": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "pId": "10198961658263821681-101",
- "q": 1000,
- "p": 2000,
- "do": 20160801,
- "sd": "LONG",
- "upl": 1000
], - "f": [
- {
- "oid": "5123345-1234567890",
- "sid": 1234567890,
- "a": "5123345",
- "s": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "st": "ANY",
- "sd": "BUY",
- "q": 1000,
- "p": 1000,
- "fq": 1000,
- "ftq": 1000,
- "fp": 1000,
- "afp": 1000,
- "fd": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "t": 123123123123,
- "ouid": "10336761658263818775-134"
], - "o": [
- {
- "oid": "5123345-1234567890",
- "sid": 1234567890,
- "poid": "5123345-1234567890",
- "a": "5123345",
- "s": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "st": "ANY",
- "sd": "BUY",
- "q": 1000,
- "lp": 1000,
- "sp": 1000,
- "ot": "LIMIT",
- "fq": 1000,
- "fp": 1000,
- "fd": "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z",
- "cor": [
- "5123345-1234567890"
], - "err": {
- "errorCode": 1234567890,
- "errorText": "Error text"
], - "d": [
- {
- "s": "XCME:6E.U16",
- "b": [
- {
- "l": 1,
- "t": 1234567890,
- "s": "B",
- "p": 2000,
- "o": 1000,
- "sz": 1000,
- "ioc": 1000,
- "is": 1000
], - "a": [
- {
- "l": 1,
- "t": 1234567890,
- "s": "B",
- "p": 2000,
- "o": 1000,
- "sz": 1000,
- "ioc": 1000,
- "is": 1000
], - "tr": [
- {
- "s": "XCME:ES.U16",
- "p": 1.13535,
- "ch": 0.0001,
- "sz": 1,
- "sq": 12132123,
- "st": 1234567890,
- "td": "INVALID",
- "as": 0,
- "tdt": "20200101",
- "tid": 2131220200101,
- "is": true,
- "clx": true,
- "spt": "INVALID",
- "ist": "INVALID",
- "bt": "INVALID"
], - "b": {
- "a": "5123345",
- "cc": "USD",
- "cb": 1000,
- "ote": 1000,
- "te": 1000,
- "cba": 1000,
- "cbta": 1000,
- "nl": 1000,
- "nla": 1000,
- "bt": "CURRENT_OPEN",
- "dc": 365,
- "mi": {
- "a": "5123345",
- "cc": "USD",
- "mo": {
- "me": "string",
- "es": "string",
- "irm": 1000,
- "mrm": 1000,
- "itm": 1000,
- "mtm": 1000,
- "ie": true,
- "t": 0
}, - "mow": {
- "me": "string",
- "es": "string",
- "irm": 1000,
- "mrm": 1000,
- "itm": 1000,
- "mtm": 1000,
- "ie": true,
- "t": 0
}, - "mowi": {
- "me": "string",
- "es": "string",
- "irm": 1000,
- "mrm": 1000,
- "itm": 1000,
- "mtm": 1000,
- "ie": true,
- "t": 0
}, - "r": {
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "string"
Subscribe to quotes for the instruments. Before subscribing to quotes, the client must create a stream using the /stream endpoint. Maximum number of instruments to subscribe is 10 per stream. If the client wants to change the list of instruments, the client must call this endpoint again with the new list of instruments.
streamId required | string <uuid> (StreamSessionId) Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Stream ID |
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "OK"
Subscribe to depths for the instruments. Before subscribing to depths, the client must create a stream using the /stream endpoint. Maximum number of instruments to subscribe is 10 per stream. If the client wants to change the list of symbols, the client must call this endpoint again with the new list of instruments.
streamId required | string <uuid> (StreamSessionId) Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Stream ID |
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "OK"
Subscribe to trades for the instruments. Before subscribing to trades, the client must create a stream using the /stream endpoint. Maximum number of instruments to subscribe is 10 per stream. If the client wants to change the list of instruments, the client must call this endpoint again with the new list of instruments.
streamId required | string <uuid> (StreamSessionId) Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Stream ID |
symbols required | Array of strings (Symbol) <= 10 items [^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}:[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$] Example: symbols=XCME:ES.U16,XCME:6E.U16,XCME:NQ.U16 Comma separated list of symbols |
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "OK"